3 ways that technology impacts the fitness sector

Individuals’ health behaviors have been positively impacted by digital advancements and cutting-edge technology. This shift towards healthier living has been embraced by every industry, including the fitness industry. The COVID-19 pandemic has made people more cautious and concerned about their health, even with social distancing limitations. As a result, connected home exercise equipment and virtual fitness apps gained popularity.

A market research predicts that the online fitness market will reach a value of 59.231 million dollars by 2027, with a 33.1 percent CAGR growth between 2022 and 2027. The market is being fueled by the rising popularity of AR or VR-based training and the demand for advanced exercise sessions. The inability to attend training courses at healthcare facilities has also accelerated the growth of the industry.

The adoption of digital technologies in the fitness industry has been steady over time. The temporary gym closures during the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the liquidity of many fitness businesses in India. To remain competitive and survive, the majority of gyms and fitness studio businesses with on-ground premises relocated their entire product line online.

Virtual fitness sessions, consultations, and holistic training have become the new standard in this situation. Many people also feel more comfortable using their equipment and working out in private at home.

Technology has several benefits for the fitness industry beyond just transactional convenience.

1. Personalized exercise plans through fitness apps

Fitness professionals can track their progress and achievements using a fitness app that collects user data. Major fitness companies are increasingly using powerful machine learning algorithms to analyze this data (data mining) for insights that enable tailored exercise and dietary plans based on an individual’s specific health profile and objectives. Such tech-driven platforms have been shown to improve user retention and outcomes. As technology advances, more solutions are being developed to track metabolic activity and vital signs throughout the day, providing consumers with a more comprehensive understanding of how their diet and exercise habits affect their mind and body. This progress will result in more precise and specialized personalized health regimens, leading to improved outcomes.

2. Improved virtual training

Fitness enthusiasts in more developed countries are increasingly interested in connected fitness, enabled by cutting-edge technology. Modern video games allow users to work out at home while receiving guidance from a virtual trainer who provides real-time feedback on technique and posture for optimal results. Interactive technology will become even more widespread in the post-pandemic world, especially as lockdowns have shattered the myth that physical training can only take place in traditional gyms.

3. Embracing a holistic health approach

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental, emotional, and psychological health. Fitness enthusiasts have come to realize that virtual fitness services are more than just physical training, as a result. Today’s definition of fitness and well-being encompasses maintaining a healthy work-life balance and taking a holistic approach.

There is a growing demand for meditation and mindfulness applications, as more individuals choose a holistic approach to health and wellness. At the same time, there are now more digital-led fitness solutions available, offering a wider range of classes than ever before. Subscription services now allow subscribers to access what was previously only accessible at physical gyms and through personal trainers, all from the comfort of their own homes.

The fitness industry has undergone a transformation that is almost unrecognizable as a result of the changing environment. Technology will likely continue to alter people’s active lifestyles, improving the customer experience and raising the efficacy of current workout trends, while also enabling gyms to offer more relevant modifications to workouts with a holistic approach. Given the benefits of this shift, it is reasonable to expect that ongoing technological advancements will continue to transform the fitness sector.